When someone sends you a text message, you are not able to tell their exact location from the message. You need some type of GPS tracking on their cell phone to determine their location without them telling you.
A phone tag is not a complete personal answer message it is simply a section of the automated message replaced with a personal edit, i.e a persons name or business. Also the tag will notify a recipent of an answer phone message of who has left it before playing the complete message.
when a text message says delivered it means that it has reached the persons phone.
If your phone has a record feature record yourself saying the persons name then assign that voice clip to the person with the corresponding name
I have the xperia play, and.i'm guessing it means when the message is recieved at the persons phone, or is opened by the person.
I dont think so. But it does depend on what kind of phone you got.
use a phone with GPS to post an online message revealing their location.
Either send him an Instant Message, or call him on the Phone, and ask him where he is located.
A sent message leaves your phone but stays in the service providers server until the other phone signal it catches. When it catches the other phone the message reaches the other phone and will be deleted from the server also. Now the message is delivered to the other phone. When you opt of the delivery report option in message section of your phone, it will deliver the message to the other phone and the sends a messsage to your phone that the message had been delivered. = Madhu sudhan
The Phone Message was created on 1991-02-13.
I come from a family line of police, and well... I had this used on me when I ran away from home lol... What they do is they send a radar message called a "ping to a cell phone tower and this tower then sends a ping which hits your phone, your phone then sends a ping to the nearest 3 cell towers which then give a triangulated area as to where that phone might be. So in a matter of seconds (or minutes) they sent one message and have the approx. location of your phone. it's accurate within to within three miles to my understanding
At What rate of speed does a text message travel phone to phone
Phone Message - 2013 was released on: USA: 2013 (internet)