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  • Assuming you are over the age of 18, the answer is yes to an extent which leads to sexual interactions as it can be illegal in SOME states (if in the United States).
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It is generally illegal to engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone who is under the age of 18, depending on local laws. It is important to be aware of and comply with the legal age of consent in your jurisdiction. It is important to prioritize the well-being and safety of minors and to seek relationships with individuals who are within a similar age range and stage of life.

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Q: Can you date someone under 18?
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Is it illegal for a person under 18 to date a person over 18 in Michigan?

In Michigan, the legal age of consent is 16, so it is not illegal for a person under 18 to date someone over 18. However, there are laws that prevent engaging in sexual activity with a minor under the age of 16. It is essential to understand the laws around sexual conduct to ensure compliance.

Is it illegal for someone over 18 to date someone under 18?

In many places, it is not illegal for someone over 18 to date someone under 18, but there may be legal restrictions on the nature of the relationship, such as sexual activity. It's important to be aware of the age of consent laws in your specific location to ensure compliance with the law.

What is the law concerning age difference dating in teens from Florida?

In Florida, the age of consent is 18 years old. This means that individuals under the age of 18 cannot legally consent to any sexual activity. It is illegal for someone over 18 to engage in sexual activity with someone under 18, regardless of the age difference.

Can someone over 18 date someone under 18?

Yes there is no law saying you can't, depending on your jurisdiction most jurisdictions age of consent are 16 some are 18 however check with your local laws to find out about the sex consent part.

Is it illegal to date someone 18 or older if you are younger than 18?

Dating is allowed. It's sexual activity that could cause a problem. If you are under the "age of consent" in your state, then the older of the two of you may be in for some jail time. Read the link I posted for "age of consent" in your state.

Related questions

Can military people date someone under 18?

Refer to local & military laws.

Is it illegal for an 18 year-old to date a minor in Pennsylvania?

No, it's not illegal to date. It's illegal to have sex with someone under 18. But if you don't do that then your not breaking the law

Is it illegal for a person under 18 to date a person over 18 in Michigan?

In Michigan, the legal age of consent is 16, so it is not illegal for a person under 18 to date someone over 18. However, there are laws that prevent engaging in sexual activity with a minor under the age of 16. It is essential to understand the laws around sexual conduct to ensure compliance.

Is it illagel to date an 18 year old when you are under 16?

No, it is illegal to date someone of more that 3 years of age difference.

If you date someone that is 3 years and 8 days apart is it against the law?

If you are under 18, and they are over.

Is it illegal in new york to date someone 18 years older than you if you are under the age of 18?

yes. it is illegal for the older person not the younger

Is it illegal for someone over 18 to date someone under 18?

In many places, it is not illegal for someone over 18 to date someone under 18, but there may be legal restrictions on the nature of the relationship, such as sexual activity. It's important to be aware of the age of consent laws in your specific location to ensure compliance with the law.

In the state of Illinois how old do you have to be in order to date someone over the age of 18?

18. The age of consent is 18 in all states. Until you reach 18 you are a minor and if you date someone 18 or over they can be charged with rape.

In Ontario can you move in with your boyfriends parents at 16?

Can you? Yes! But what do you mean by "ontario???"

What is the legal age you can date and or kiss someone in Colorado. no sex. But if your over 18 and the other person is under it then...?

15, 3 year rule.

What the oldest a 14 year old can date?

Sixteen I believe, It might be seventeen. Well, legaly seventeen, if your under age (-18), it's illegall to date someone that is 3 years younger or older than you. Also, If your underage, it's illegal to date someone 18+ (don't worry, I'm fourteen and i researched this as well)

At 18 you can date someone no matter what age aslong as they are older than you?

You can date anyone of any age, however if you have sex with them and they are under 16, you could be put on the sex offenders register.