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With parents permission.

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Q: Can you date a girl under age with her parents permission?
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Can a 26 yr old marine marry a 17 yr old Texas girl with girl's parents permission?

Not until she's 18 but you can date her.

What age should a girl have layers in her hair?

If you are under age, you should first get permission from your parents to cut your hair.

Can an 18 year old man date a 16 year old woman live together in Pennsylvania US?

You can only live with the girl if her parents have given her permission. You can date her but should talk to her parents about it.

Must you have both parents consent before you date a underage girl?

There are no laws about dating. The girl better have permission to go out with you and you better take the time to meet the parents. And the age of consent is typically 16 for sexual activity.

Can a 18 year old girl and a 16 year old boy get married with the consent of the boy's parents?

If you are under the age of 16, you are unable to get married by law. However, if you are over 16 but under 18 you can get permission from the underage parties parents (the boys). Once you are 18, you can legally get married without the permission from parents.

Is it legal for a 16 year old girl move out if she has permission from her parents in Oklahoma?

With permission of the parents, yes, she can. Until the she is 18 the parents determine where you live.

Is it illegal for a 14 year old girl to date a 17 year old guy in Maine?

No. Until he turns 18, and but with the minors parents permission it is okay.

Can a 9 year old girl sign up?

If you have permission from parents and they know that you are signing up, if you are under the age of 13, yes, you can sign up.

Can a 16 year girl date someone younger then her?

Only if she has permission from her parents. If she does it without permission from her parents, she really should wait until she is 18. She should at least try. She will change so much in the next couple of years and she doesn't want to do anything she'll regret.

Can a 12 year old girl get a piercing?

yes but only by parents permission at 16 you dont need permission

Can you date a minor if you have parents permission?

Generally yes. However, you cannot engage in any illegal activity, with or without the parents permission, including physical contact that would be prohibited by law. Additionally, be aware, that depending on the age difference, you may still be in violation of the law, even with the parents permission. (For example, if you were a thirty year old man with a ten year old girl...this is child endangerment, and you and the parents could be prosecuted).