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Some, but it's a heck of a lot easier to just look up the date code stamped on the barrel.

Manufactured date link on the Remington Society of America for details.

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Q: Can you date a Remington shotgun by serial number?
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You cannot the serial number is required.

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According to Remington, it was made in 1913.

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What year is a Remington wingmaster model 870 with the serial number 35150w?

They have date code stamps on the barrel which can be looked up on the manufacture date link on the Remington Society of America. --- Update: It's important to note that the barrel on the shotgun MAY not be the barrel that was originally on the shotgun at purchase. Check the serial number with Remington.

What is the age of Remington model 10a shotgun with serial number 172863?

1916 - pre-date coding.

What year is my Remington wingmaster20 gauge shotgun with serial number 318270X?

Look at the manufactured date link on the Remington Society of America for details.

What is the age of Remington shotgun serial number 3459?

Check the date code on the barrel, the details and table lookup are on the Remington Society of America, manufactured date link.

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with the L prefix to the serial number,this would indicate that your model 1100 Remington shotgun was made in 1991.

What is the manufacture date of a Remington sportsman 16ga shotgun serial number 1582938?

Lookup date code on Remington Society of America here:

What is the date of manufacturing of a Remington Model 11 shotgun serial number 347791?

1929 if it has the original barrel it will be date code stamped. Check the manufactured date link on the Remington Society of America for details.

What is the age of your Remington model 31 shotgun serial number 29981?

They are date code stamped, see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.

When was Remington 11 shotgun serial number 327911 manufactured?

1928, it will be date code stamped on the barrel. See related links for information on the Remington Society of America.