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No, it is not a Photoshop trick. I did not edit the first image. Lol... Here is how.

To do this trick, you need a keyboard with numpad. To rename the folder with blank spaces, just press Alt + 255 and hit Enter. Then you are successfully creating a folder without name in Windows XP.

But, make sure to press the numbers from the numpad and not from the numbers below the F1 - F12 keys. And take note that you only can create one folder without name in a directory


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démarrer-----------accessoires ---------outils système-----------table des caractère

et choisissez le blanc pour le premier dossier, 2 blancs pour le deuxième, 3 pour le troisième ................etc

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13y ago

Rename the folder & den jst press... ALT + 255 in windows xp

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Q: Can you create folder without any name on the laptop without numpad?
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