Absolutely yes. My first pregnancy symptoms were indistinguishable from my normal PMS symptoms: cramps, sore breasts, fatigue. In fact, it's why I never considered I might be pregnant until my period was over a week late. This lasted throughout the early pregnancy.
you can have pregnancy symptoms as early as 3 weeks!
The most simple way to detect early pregnancy symptoms is through the menstrual cycle. If a women misses her menstrual cycle then she may have early pregnancy symptoms.
This early there are no symptoms.
Yes, it often causes some cramping and other pregnancy symptoms. -DJ Craig
Yes some people do experience this in their pregnancy.
She should take a pregnancy test. All three of those are symptoms of pregnancy.
Yes Pregnancy Symptoms can vary from women to women.
Some women report having symptoms this early.
your fingers cramp like you have cramp
symptoms of early pregnancy
1-2 weeks