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Yes, and it is simple. Take out the jewelry, and then just keep caring for it as if it had jewelry in it. Keep cleaning it; it can still get infected even without jewelry. It should take it about 3-4 months to heal without jewelry in it, so be patient. also, if you want it to close completely and quickly, put slightly bigger jewellery in for a day (i.e. 1.6mm in 1.2mm piercing), which causes teeny stretches and cuts on the inside, as these heal they close the lip piercing quicker. you will need to care for it as though it were a reasonably new piercing as it is now effectively a new wound, but it will close completely within about 1 1/2-2weeks, like when you first had it done. this may hurt slightly more than just leaving it but its a helluva lot more practical than just waiting it out--->you don't dribble when you brush your teeth anymore or when you smile in the middle of drinking :)

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Q: Can you close up a lip piercing?
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How long will it take a lip piercing to fade?

The length of time you have the piercing for will be three times that period for the piercing marks to close up and disappear.

Will your lip piercing close after 4 weeks?

If you've had the piercing for only four weeks then yes, it will close relatively quickly. My lip piercing was two years old and closed up in only a few days, leaving a small scar. If you don't want it to close but do want it to go unnoticed look into piercing retainers.

After lip ring heals can it close up?

Like any hole in the body that wasn't there by design the piercing will close if jewellery is not kept in the piercing. The speed at which the piercing closes will be dictated by the period of time the jewellery has been kept in the piercing, the longer jewellery is worn the longer it will take for the piercing to close up.

How long will it take your lip piercing to close up if you have had it for 2.5 years?

There isn't a way to tell :/

Tongue piercing or lip piercing?

up to you i would say lip though

Does lip piercing close?

yes. mine closed... twice

How to fix a lip piercing?

depends most will close over time

How do you close a lip piercing?

You should stop wearing your lip rings and wait. It will close over time. But, more then likely leave a scar.

What if you removed your piercing from a infected lip?

NEVER take out your piercing if it is infected. Doing so can cause an abscess. The piercing will close and trap the infection inside

What is it called if you have one lip piercing on the left side?

For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.

What is a snake bite piercing?

Two lower lip piercings, usually one of the left and one on the right so it looks like snake bites/fangs. Google image to see pics snake bites are lip piercings. One piercing is on the left side of your bottom lip and is close to the side of your mouth and the other piercing is to the right side of your mouth. Snake bites aren't like normal lip piercings. Snake bites are about a cm below your lip while a normal lip piercing is right up against your lip.

How Old Do you have to be to get a lip piercing with your parents?

13 && up in many tattoo&Piercing shop