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Drink water constantly but don't over do it. If for an urine test if it is too diluted they will fail you. So drink a combination of water and cranberry juice and exercise to burn fat because after you smoke it gets stored in your fat cells. To make sure you're not completed diluted eat plenty of red meat or things with B12 vitamins they check for that and good luck! No smoking at all!

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Q: Can you clean your system in 4 days of marijuana?
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How do you clean your body of marijuana in under 4 days?

If you have been a regular user, this may not be possible.

How long does it take marijuana to leave your system after two tokes?

4 days

You smoked three hits of weed with hash oil on it how long will it be in your system if you haven't done any drugs in for years?

If you only smoked a small amount, and that's the only THC (the active ingredient in marijuana and hash) that you have consumed in years, then you will be clean in a matter of days. Probably like 3 to 4 days for a urine test, but you might want to wait a week just to be safe. According to the Related Question (see below), "one smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean." Marijuana only stays in your system for weeks if you are a regular user.

Is there a solution to cleaning your system out for marijuana?

I think you need to wait a couple of months to clean your system, maybe 3 or 4 months. I don't think there's a way to clean it immediatelly

What is the longest the can stay in your system?

4 days it will be clean maybe three

If I took 4 hits of marijuana 19 days agol and I don't smoke but occasionally will it show up in my drug screen?

The chemical found in marijuana can remain in your system for up to 30 days.

If you were clean for a month and you decide to smoke a dime of marijuana how long will it stay in your system?

it should be out in under a week

How long does marijuana stay in your body for a lab drug test if you only hit on it 4 times and have done that in yrs. wt. 135?

Years??? Marijuana stays in your sysytem for 1-60 days depending on how much you smoked and how strong the marijuana was. The 4 hits that you took was out of you system in a couple days.

What can help get weed out of your system without using a clean out kit?

First, stop smoking. start drinking water or juices until your bladder hurts. Do it for about 4 days, then just drink alot of liquid for about 3-5 days after. Depending on how fat you are your system should be free of marijuana in about a week and a half.

How long after smoking marijuana till you can pass a saliva test?

Marijuana takes about a week to leave your system, longer in some people.

Is twenty five days long enough to clean out your system?

What are you trying to clean out of your system? It really depends on the substances that you have taken prior to this and also the frequency / amount that you used. If you have smoked a fairly large quantity of marijuana on a daily basis for an extended period of time prior to this 25 day period, you will likely still test positive. The answer also depends on your metabolism. Most drugs are typically out of your system within 4-10 days.

You smoked 4 blunts 19 days ago and weigh 190 pounds how long will it take for your urine to be clean?

Normally takes about 4-7 days for a blunt to come out of your system.If your a daily, heavy user Marijuana can be detected up to 30 to 60 days. This of course would depend on the amount of body fat you have. The more body fat you have the longer THC takes to leave your system.