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Only if its registered , that depends on when it was made, when it was sold, who sold it -dealer or private sale- and what state it was sold in. To check your state may have records- usually thru the state police or thru BATF (federal) If if has been sold privately once or more your local police may run it for you If you are looking for manufacturing info contact the manufacturer- or a gun value guide What do you want to check? If you are in a state (or country) that requires registration, a law enforcement official can probably find out who owns it, but an ordinary citizen can't. For some manufacturers and models, it is possible to find the approximate date of production from the serial. But a firearm serial number is not like a car's VIN number with a paper trail of each owner's registration.

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Q: Can you check a firearm serial number?
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If information has been published, yes.

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Not likely. No sn data in published form.

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Need serial number to date most any firearm. Check Browning's website under customer service, then date your firearm. Value is determined by condition of firearm, and area of the sale.