no you have to have the stud one in for like 3 weeks until it heals
yes that would b ok
If it is absolutely necessary go to your piercer and ask about a glass retainer. You really shouldn't change it and it will still be visible with a glass retainer. The swelling may be obvious too.
Depends on the ring. If it's a stud then you change it like any other ring. If its captive ball or something like that then, well with mine, you have to pull the sides apart until the ball pops out.
yes they should tell you after the piercing and thank you for using answers .com --Wait a bit longer to wear acrylics in it though.
You should be able to. Just make sure you put a piercing in straight away to avoid the area healing over.
This is called hypertrophic scarring. It is caused by the jewellry putting pressure on the ear, and making scar tissue build up around the area of the piercing. You should soak it once or twice a day with salt water or tea tree oil in some warm water, and change the jewellry. If you have a hoop/curved jewellry you should chage to a straight, and if you have a straight chance to a curved, This changed the pressure on the piercing and allows it to go down. If you have an industrial piercing, you should put two separate pieces of jewellry in until the scarring has gone down. Try to avoid touching the piercing as much as possible.
A Tragus piercing, being a deep cartilage piercing should be left in for a period of 3~9 months to allow the piercing to properly season and toughen. As with any piercing they are never considered fully healed until they are a full year old. So the longer you can leave it alone without changing the jewellery the better it is for the piercing.
Well getting rid of the bumps involves understanding how they got there in the first place. If the piercing was done with a piercing gun, then there's your culprit. See ear cartilage piercings done with a piercing gun (which they are not supposed to do but they do it any way) damages the fine tissue* (*perichondrium ) between the cartilage and the back skin of the ear cartilage, this tearing action pulls the layer away from the cartilage and thus the lump is formed.Often referred to as Cauliflower Ear, this is the damage done to the ear cartilage when boxers would not wear protective head gear and the gloves would contact the ear cartilage skin tearing it free from the cartilage damaging the perichondrium in the process.Removing ear studs and replacing the studs with captive bead rings and irrigating the piercings daily during showering has allowed the tissue to settle and in some cases reattach to the cartilage, this can take several weeks to notice a marked change in the lumps.Another cause for lumps on ear cartilage is a process call a "Hypertrophic Reaction". This is where a irritant is introduced into the piercing causing the tissue to swell up and form a lump next to the piercing. Generally due to over use of a cleaning produce used to clean the piercing, the over use causes this reaction to occur. Simple flushing of the piercing with warm running water daily during showering while moving the jewellery has been very successful in removing the irritant and the bumps diminishing in size over several weeks.
Yes you can. See that's the beauty of body jewellery, it can be used anywhere in the body (so long as it is appropriate for the piercing). So you can put any jewellery anywhere you want, this allows you to change it up a notch. Start your own fashion trend.
It depends. If you mean to change earrings then 8-12 weeks. If you mean take it out completely so that there is no piercing then about a year or longer. You wont b able to leave out for more than a day without it closing back up
If you change jewelry in a piercing that isn't healed, you have a higher risk of infection. If the initial jewelry doesnt fit right or if you need a clear retainer for work, go to your piercer and they can change it for you. Don't change it yourself because the jewery isn't sanitized. Also, you still need long jewelry because messing with it will make it swell again. Not to menton that it will hurt shoving jewelry in a fresh peircing.
Any time you want if you have decided you don't want it, keep in mind that the tissue will take a couple of days to close and several weeks to heal but the actual cartilage is permanently pierced and will not heal.