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Depends on where you live.

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Q: Can you carry a gun in a bank?
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Can a person with a Tennessee gun permit carry a gun in a bank?

Yes, it is legal to carry a gun in a bank in Tennessee as long as you have a carry permit. In TN however, any business can choose to post a sign banning handguns on they property, and a few banks have done that.

Is it legal to carry a gun into a bank in Arizona?

I hope so.

Can you carry a gun into a bank with a concealed weapons permit in missouri?


Is it legal to carry a gun into a bank in Wyoming?

It is legal to carry a firearm into a bank in Wyoming as long as the person is a peace officer or possesses a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm.

Can you carry a gun in a bank in phoenix?

No. You just get arrested or shot. It is not illegal to carry a handgun into a bank in Arizona as long as you have a permit and as long as the bank does not have a sign posted stating no guns are allowed. You will not "just get arrested" because it isn't illegal.

Can you carry a gun in a ct bank?

Connecticut law does not appear to address carrying firearms in banks specifically, but DOES require a permit to carry, whether concealed or not.

What is the benefit of gun?

The benifit of a gun in your house is if someone breaks in your house you have the right to shoot him. the benifit to carry a gun is if something happens and your in a bank and it gets robbed or someone tries to rob you you have the right to stop thet threat

Do you have to have a permit to carry a unregistered gun in the state of Arizona?

Well, the answer is no, but Arizona does not have gun registration, so if you can carry a gun in Arizona, you can carry any gun you legally own or possess.

Can you carry a gun into a bank with a concealed weapons permit in Texas?

Check for more information, but banks are not listed as an off lmits location.

If you have a permit can in fl you carry a gun can you carry a gun any place?

You can carry a gun in Florida. A Florida gun carry permit has restrictions as well as reciprocation with certain other states. See discussion page for more details.

Does inspector gadget have a gun?

No, he does not carry a gun.

Can a Bail Bondsman carry a gun in Florida?

A bail bondsman cannot specifically carry a gun. However, they can carry a gun under Florida law as a normal citizen.