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Q: Can you buy a gun in philadelphia?
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How old do you have to be to carry a gun in philadelphia?


Can you buy a gun in Sims 3?

No you cannot buy a gun on The Sims 3.

How does a fifteen year old get a real gun?

You have to be 18 to buy a long gun and 21 to buy a hand gun.

Where can you buy a gun in Ireland?

Gun shop.

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where is your store's location in philadelphia

Can you buy gun case without gun permit for someone who has a permit as a gife?

Yes, you can buy a gun case for anyone.

Can you buy a gun in Wisconsin if not a resident?

You can not buy a gun in Wisconsin and live somewhere else. In order to by a gun in Wisconsin you have to live there.

How do you type on Roblox zombie defence to buy weapons?

buy (gun here) e.g. buy ray gun

Do you need a gun licence to buy a gun in the US?


Where can you buy Nerf gun in Brunei?

Yes, you can buy Nerf gun at Nanyang in Kuala Belait

Where can you buy a gun?

Gun store, gun show, want ads, on line.

Can you buy a gun at a gun show at a ca gun show without a background?
