no the gunshow is not a real name
gunshop, gunshow, gunpartscorp website.
"Licensing" depends on the laws of where you are. In MOST of the US, there is no "License" needed to buy a gun, either at a gun show, or at a dealer. At the risk of being preachy, I have heard the term "gun show loophole" repeatedly in the news. The same laws apply at a gun show as any other time. If you buy a gun from a dealer, whether at a show or at their shop, you will follow the same procedures and paperwork. There may be a private citizen that wants to sell or trade a gun or two- same laws apply as if he were selling to his neighbor, or trading with a hunting partner. There IS no "loophole".
There is no loop hole. It's a fabricated phrase. Any person who is a licensed gun dealer must follow all the laws and fill out all the proper paperwork when selling guns, and they must do that even when they are selling at a gun show. IN MOST STATES, you can buy a gun directly from an individual without any paperwork, but you can do that whether you're at a gun show or your neighbor's house. When people use the phrase "gun show loophole" they are saying you can go to a gunshow and buy a gun without the background check, but that is only true (and legal) if you buy from an individual, which requires no background check, which again, is legal at a gun show or anywhere else.
You might try Numrich Gun Parts at the related link on the right side of this page, but I wouldn't count on it. Your best bet would be to carry your gun around every gunshow within driving distance. Even if you find something, the stock may take some hand-fitting.
Check the yellow pages for gunsmiths or go to a local gunshow. Be prepared to spend about twice the value of the repaired gun. Numrich Arms @
Gunshop, gunshow.
Gunshop, gunshow.
No you cannot buy a gun on The Sims 3.
MAYBE if you worked for the ATF and it hasn't passed through to private hands with a wide speriod in between... I say N instead of a number, in my state it's 10 (Illinois) FFL->FFL, FFL->Private, also recorded/reported (phone call with details/approval). Private->Private recorded and mostly not reported back and they have a shelf life of N years and then often destroyed (its like gun owner religion) . There has been recent "if sold at gunshow laws" that require a seller to call if physically at the GUNSHOW. They will refuse to record the sale if you are not PHYSICALLY at the gunshow. You can do the math on that one. So if I gun is used in a crime. Manufacture to FFL, FFL-FFL/Person tracked, if that person sold the gun less the N years ago he SHOULD have a record of who he sold it to, if over N years, it could have been sold and recorded a many times but who knows who's doing it?
You have to be 18 to buy a long gun and 21 to buy a hand gun.
Gun shop.