Depends on what the misdemeanor is. While most won't disqualify you from being able to own a firearm, there are some that will.
Depends on what the misdemeanor was.
Depends on the misdemeanor.
It depends on the misdemeanor.
Depends on the misdemeanor, and where you are.
Depends on the misdemeanor, and whether you were convicted or not.
Persons having a misdemeanor record are not prohibited from purchasing firearms
You may purchase a gun regardless of whether a misdemeanor was a expunged or not. That is unless the Misdemeanor was for domestic violence. Anything Domestic Violence bars you from purchasing a firearm.
In Minnesota, a petty misdemeanor will not remain on your record at all in the state. A petty misdemeanor is not considered a crime in MN.
Yes, a class c misdemeanor is essentially a traffic violation or the equivalent.
None. FEDERAL law prohibits it.