Yes you can bleed throughout you entire pregnancy. Its called spotting. Usually at the beginning of the pregnancy women mistake it for a full out menstrual cycle. It usually happens during implantation BUT sometimes happens duringthe full pregnancy. But if its extremely heavy and is accompanied by pain,seek medical help IMMEDIATELY.!
It is very possible for a pregnant woman to continue with her monthly cycle throughout the entire pregnancy. Although they should seek medical advice as bleed could be caused by something else
A pill to stop your pregnancy means you had an abortion.It is very normal to bleed a lot during an abortion, this is the pregnancy expelling itself.
actually pit bulls don't bleed through their pregnancy but some might if they have problems or a strange condition.
It is not normal to experience bleeding during pregnancy. If you are experiencing bleeding for any length of time during your pregnancy, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider immediately.
Yes the BellaBand can be used for your entire pregnancy.
yeah you bleed when you give birth
Yes, the baby is in the uterus throughout the entire duration of pregnancy.
Once you have a positive diagnosis of pregnancy then losing the pregnancy is considered a miscarriage. ~pawsalmighty
No. A mild bleed in the first month of pregnancy is usually due to implantation, and can mimic menstruation.
it may be a sign of pregnancy or it may not be .... you can't be sure until you've taken a pregnancy test!
When can I tell if the chihuahua lost its baby puppies