Removal of one tube(unilateral salpingectomy)is.performed if the tube has become infected.bilateral salpingectomy (removal of both the tubes)is.done if the ovaries and uterus are also going to be also used to treat an ectopic pregnancy.
Removal of one tube (unilateral salpingectomy
The answer to your question is "yes", you do still have periods after a salpingectomy.
It is still connected to the uterus via the round ligament which is not severed post salpingectomy.
You can become pregnant if you have shingles.
causes in salpigectony
It is the medical term for the removal of both fallopian tubes.
gas pain after salingectomy
If she is ovulating, she can become pregnant. But that is the only way. If she is ovulating, she can become pregnant. But that is the only way.