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According to the California Board of Accountancy website, there is nothing that says you CAN NOT be a CPA if you have a criminal history.

I have a friend who is in the same boat but his charge got dismissed because he was a medical patient.

this is as much info as I have. hope it helps.

i dont think it will be a problem. at the worst...maybe wait until your off probation?

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Q: Can you become a CPA with a misdemeanor possession of marijuana charge?
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Are there court cost when you get a marijuana possession charge in Michigan?

depends on how much you had, if it was under an ounce then you will most likely get a misdemeanor charge and somewhere around a 100 dollar fine.

Is possession of marijuana a felony in Texas?

Possession of marijuana is considered a Class B misdemeanor in Texas for small amounts (less than 2 ounces), punishable by a fine up to $2000 and/or up to 180 days in jail. However, possession of larger amounts can escalate to a felony charge with more severe penalties.

Will target hire people with a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge from 6 years ago?

Targets hiring determinations are unique to each individual and investigation

How do you get out of marijuana possession charge?

U cant

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Is possession of herione a misdemeanor?

Simple possession is a misdemeanor. Posesseion With the Intent to Distribute is a felony. Oftentimes it is the amount of contraband you were found with that decides the appropriate charge.

Can a misdemeanor be taken off your record?

i have a possesion of marijuana charge from 2004

What does this charge mean upom second?

Unlawful possession of marijuana

How many NFL players have gone to prison?

Three players on the current roster have a criminal record. Kevin Faulk: Arrested on a misdemeanor marijuana charge in Lafayette, La. in 2008 Randy Moss: Arrested in 2004, while a member of the Minnesota Vikings, on two charges - Felony charge of Suspicion of Assault with a Deadly Weapon (a car) and a misdemeanor charge of Possession of Marijuana. The felony charge was dropped, and he pled guilty to a misdemeanor traffic violation. Nick Kaczur: Arrested in 2008 for possession of Illegal Prescription Drugs (Oxycodone). He cooperated with a DEA Investigation, and no charges were filed.

Will you have to take a drug test for a misdemeanor marijuana charge?

Yeah you will, when they put you on probation

Can you become a police officer in NJ with a misdemeanor marijuana charge?

Many departments allow those who have misdemeanor charges, but they have to have happend in a certain time period. The best way to know is look at the hiring requirements of the agency.

If you have a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge from Wyoming will California be likely to extradite you on that charge?

In general, No. On a misdemeanor charge extradition over a long distance is generally not going to happen. The State or jurisdiction that has the charge must pay for someone to come pick you up if you are arrested in another State. This is expensive and most jurisdictions will not want to pay this cost so they don't extradite over long distances.