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Absolutely, and some women never do. It is more common to experience symptoms, especially with a boy...but that is not always the case. In fact, if you search the internet, you will find lots of women who swear that they had normal periods all the way through pregnancy. Doctors refuse to acknowledge this, but I believe the women who have been there.

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Q: Can you be pregnant without symptoms?
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Can someone be pregnant without symptoms?

Yes you can be pregnant even though there are no syptoms.

Does every woman who gets pregnant have signs or symptoms?

No, some go without any symptoms.

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It is not possible to spay a pregnant dog without killing the unborn puppies.

How do I know that i'm pregnant without testing Please give me some symptoms?

There is a few symptoms you can have when pregnant. You can have morning sickness, dizziness, using the restroom a lot and eating more. The best thing you can do is take a test.

What are the symptoms of a man when a woman is pregnant?

Nothing. Men do not have symptoms when a woman is pregnant.

Just because I have the symptoms does that mean im pregnant?

No, you can have the symptoms and not be pregnant and not have any symptoms but still be pregnant. The only way to be sure is to take a test.

Could you be experiencing premenstrual asthma symptoms but still be pregnant?

You can experience PMS symptoms and be pregnant yes. But if you get your period then you aren't pregnant.

You feel pregnant but you have gotten your period every month like you should How can you know without a test?

There is not for sure way to tell that you are pregnant without a test, especially if you suspect that you are pregnant. Look for symptoms such as swollen/tender breasts, nausea, missed period, and fatigue/tiredness.

How can you tell if you're pregnant without symptoms?

You can buy a pregnancy test kit at a drug store. It tests for hormones in the urine.

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How does someone know if they are pregnant without a test?

Some women have pregnancy symptoms in which they suspect that they are pregnant. Other women have a strong maternal instinct and just "feel" pregnant. But it is hard to really know without having an accurate pregnancy test (either at home or at a doctors office).

Do you have symptoms the day after you get pregnant?
