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Sadly, yes, it can happen.

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Q: Can you be pregnant with twins but lose one while pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant with twins lose one then get pregnant with another baby while still being pregnant with the other twin?

No. Once you are pregnant the ovulation stops and the uterus is also closed by the mucus plug.

If pregnant with twins can you lose one and not the other?

It happens quite often. It is called the vanishing twin syndrom

Can you abord one baby if pregnant with twins?

why would you want to?

How much are abortions if your having twins?

No different than if pregnant with one.

What should one expect when pregnant with twins?

You can expect a lot of things when pregnant with twins. You will have more scans, you will be bigger and more uncomfortable, and you will need more preparation of when the special day arrives.

If a mother looses one baby but is still pregnant was she having identical twins?

Not necessarily you could be having twins and they don't have to be identical.

How do you get thin thighs while pregnant?

While pregnant you shouldn't even try particularly hard. Slimming down just about always mean losing weight, and one should be really careful about attempting to lose weight while pregnant. You need a decent food intake for the baby to grow and develop as it should.

How to have quins in the Sims 2?

If you ment "Twins" while one of your sims is pregnant go into the cheat menu (ctrl+shift+c) and enter "forceTwins" OR If you want to not cheat It is a matter of chance

How many babies cows can be born every times a cow pregnant?

Cows typically give birth to one calf at a time when pregnant. Twins are rare but can occur in some cases.

Is it OK to try to lose weight while pregnant?

You can't particularly "diet" to lose weight, but you can control the calorie intake to a level that is healthy for your body type and pregnancy. This reduction in calories will overall make you lose weight, especially after you deliver the baby.

Can you have a miscarage with twins but only miscarry one?

Actually this is very possible and it has happened to many women.

Can a girl get pregnant with another baby if she is already pregnant?

No she can not conceive another baby if there is already one in there. The only way that there would be two babies was if they were twins.