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Yes. The five years doesn't matter, and the antibiotics has less effect than the missed pills. Taking the morning after pill might be an option. Take a pregnancy test no sooner than 10 days after the accident. Talk to your health care provider about options. If you miss pills often, another method might be easier for you.

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Q: Can you be pregnant if you have been on the pill for 5 years and skipped 3 days and just came off an antibiotic and had unprotected sex on the fourth day of missing your pill?
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I skipped a month of pills and not having a period can you start your pills that next month?

If you skipped a month of pills and have had unprotected sex you may be pregnant. You should talk to your doctor/gynecologist immediately about the situation and take a pregnancy test. Birth control pills only work when taken everyday at the same time.

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Im assuming you are taking all these pills in one day because you skipped them on their appropriate days. If so, then yes, there is a possibility that you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex on one of those days.

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It is unlikely that you are pregnant if your period started, missing periods can be caused by reasons other than pregnancy. You go for a check up that to put your mind at rest and of course if you don't want to get pregnany practice SAFE SEX.

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Im on the pill but i skipped my period on purpose and now im getting pregnancy symptoms could i be pregnant?

Quit speculating and go to the doctor first thing Monday. My question is did you try to get pregnant, and are you prepared for this if you are?

What is the soonest you can find out if you are pregnant?

Most over the counter pregnancy tests will show a pregnancy the day of your skipped period. However I believe there are a few more expensive ones that will be able to determine up to 5 days before the skipped period. hope this helps.

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You are just spotting. Missing one pill won't cause a period.

If a woman is on the depo shot for 3months and skipped her next depo and her partner climaxed in her can she be pregnant?

Yes, you might get pregnant if you have sex without birth control. Consider using the morning after pill, and talk to your health care provider about a new method if you don't want to get pregnant at this time.