A urine pregnancy test tests for the "preg hormone" in the urine, which is at a higher level when a woman is pregnant. However, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish; a pregnancy test isn't a "Pass/Fail" scenario; it tells you if you're pregnant or not. Male urine on a pregnancy test should test negative.
False positives on home pregnancy tests are very rare. If you get a positive and believe that you are not pregnant, see your doctor and they can draw blood and do a beta hcg. This will show if you are pregnant for sure.
+=pregnant -=not pregnant
Oh yes! Tests are only about 85% accurate. And some conditions might cause the test to fail more often.
Yes. All birth control methods can fail. If you feel that you could be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr.
If the pregnancy test was negative, it means that you are not pregnant.
Two lines should show up If you are pregnant on a pregnancy test /:
No, a mouse pregnancy test cannot accurately determine if a mouse is pregnant.
Perform a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant. If you are pregnant, see your Doctor for confirmation of your pregnancy.
If you are four weeks pregnant you will have enough hCH to have a positive pregnancy test.
It just means that you are not getting pregnant.