If you took a pregnancy test and it came up positive then you are possibly pregnant but you should go and see your doctor immediately because you shouldn't bleed while pregnant.
you could be pregnant
Is it possible that you could be pregnant? If so take a test. You could just be having a light period
dats nasty
Take another test! I am six months pregnant and thought that I was not pregnant but You can have a light period and still be pregnant. Sometimes when the egg attaches to the uterus it can cause some bleeding. Look it up on google under pregnancy and early bleeding. That should answer a lot of your questions.
Within about 5-7 days you should get a positive on a home pregnancy test. Once you experience implantation bleeding you can find out if you're pregnant by doing a pregnancy test about 2-3 weeks later. you can take a pregnancy test as early as 3 or 4 days before your period is due http://thefertilityshop.com implantations bleeding if you get it doesn't always mean your pregnant cause i got it on the 2nd may then got periods so .... if everyone who had implantation bleeding then i would be having a period while pregnant won't I
Implantation bleeding is reported in about one-quarter to one-third of pregnant individuals. It usually occurs around 6-12 days after fertilization and is typically light spotting that lasts for a day or two. If you suspect you are pregnant and experience any bleeding, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider.
a few days before your next period look for pinkish discharge or very light bleeding, this should last a few hours or up to 3 days meaning this is implantation bleeding, also look for boob tenderness, tiredness more than usual and cramping. good look chick:)
yes it could be. I had brownish spotting when my period was due, and I was pregnant. But the only way to know for sure is to test.
Yes, you could still be pregnant. Take a test.
If you had sex during the three days without protection, or within the first week of pill use, you could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test.
There is a possibility that you may be pregnant. The spotting that you are experiencing is what they call implantation bleeding, which is when the egg attaches itself to the walls of the uterus. If you have a missed period I would definite advise you to take a pregnancy test. Good luck!!
No you are not pregnant. I have had that to happen to me to. An I was not pregnant.