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No, you can NOT get paralyzed by piercing your ears. But if you do plan to get your ears pierced you should get it done at a chemist or a place where they specialise in piercing ears. Any part of the outside of your ear such as your earlobe and top part of the ear is fine to be pierced. I recommend you don't try to pierce your ears yourself only, if you know how to.. I hope this helps you a lot!!!

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16y ago
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15y ago

Well if you pierced your cartilage who know what horrible stuff could happen, now if a professional body piercer pierced your cartilage then you would have much less to worry about because you are being handled by an experienced professional.

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13y ago

you cant be paralyzed but you really shouldn't do it yourself!

piercers are trained professionals and know how to get it done properly, with mimimal risk of infection, minimal amount of pain and minimal amount of things going wrong.

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15y ago

Risk factors for any body piercings are minimized when the piercing is done by an experienced professional body piercer working in a licensed and inspected facility. Piercings attempted at home by amateurs carry the highest risk for infection and serious personal injury.

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15y ago

There is no danger from a professionally provided navel piercing done by an experienced professional body piercer. Using septic technique and proper placement followed by good effective aftercare navel piercings are very simple in the hands of a professional body piercer, with no risk to the client other than failure to maintain the piercing to ensure it's health and happiness. This is why you don't attempt to do your own piercing. You don't have the skills, materials or knowledge to do the piercing correctly and safely and have it lined up to look good. Trust and research your piercer before you get anything done and you will always wind up with a good piercing.

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14y ago

Yes, you can indeed get paralyzed from getting your ears pierced. If you pierce the top of your ear, it can effect the spinal cord in your back and you can become deathly paralyzed.

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15y ago

Unless your belly button is anywhere near your spinal cord.... no.

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14y ago

no the as your ears can not paralyze you but you can get bad ear infections , splits , or disturbed tissue.

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13y ago

Paralysis secondary to a body piercing is unheard of almost to the point of being a myth. You are more likely to pierce a blood vessel accidentally than anything else.

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Q: Can you be paralyzed by piercing your own bellybutton?
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It sounds to me like your talking about a dermal or a horizontal navel piercing which is a surface piercing. But from the sound of it it's a dermal piercing because I've never seen a surface piercing with 3 balls unless there 3 different piercing in a row. I could help you more if I saw a picture of what your talking about.

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You won't have that problem if you go to a professional.

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Usually the piercer will have numbing gel which they will put on before piercing, but if you want it numbed find out before you have it done!

Can your face become paralyzed from an industrial piercing?

Done wrong, a piercing can definitely cause paralysis on the face... whether the piercing is ear, tongue, nose, etc.

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I'd say this question has to have an opinion answer. i think the least noticable piercing would either be bellybutton or tongue because those places are usually covered up.

Does getting your bellybutton pierced hurt?

I had my bellybutton pierced about 6 months ago and i can still remember how painful it was. I am not trying to put anybody off but it is the most painful piercing i have ever had and i am really high pain threshold.

Do cheerleaders have to take out their bellybutton piercing at competitions?

Nope, They have to wear them, to make them look like a bunch of slags. hope this helped.