Yeah, I'm emo and I don't have any.
umm yes you can you see im w emo but im planning to get a peircing but that is just me
No that is defiantly not emo! ;)
to be an emo boy,you have to wear black clothes and jewelry all the time.For jewelry,you will have to have piercings in your nose and tongue and stuff like that
Well, really it depends what piercings he has. If he has long emo hair with snake bites then some girls are attracted to him. Also, it depends on what type of girl you are.
Piercings on the bottom lip opposite side, most common for emos.
- emotional music (some rock) - dark colors - eyeliner - hanging out - skating - bangs - piercings - skinny jeans - belts
The store is called 'Nobody Loves Me' and it sells goth, emo and other 'alternate' styles, as well as piercings.
Emo started with a type of music(punk/rock), but it has now become a style and culture. An emo person is someone who is very emotional. Often times they cut themselves(especially on the wrists) trying to commit suicide. They tend to become anorexic, especially emo girls. Emo people tend to dress with a lot of dark colors and a few random colors. You will often see an emo person with a lot of piercings. Non-emo people often times openly dislike emos and exclude them from large groups. Emos are usually not open with their feelings. People should remember that emos are people too.
I'm assuming you aren't emo, because if you were then you would already know. You are probably scene. Normally you would look for really tight skinny jeans, close fitting shirts, and a lot of piercings. For shoes, you would normally wear converse, or some other canvas shoe.
It's important to remember that stereotypes don't accurately reflect individuals. Emo style might include dark clothes, dyed hair, band merch, or piercings, but people of any style or appearance can identify as emo. To know if a girl is emo, it's best to engage in open, non-judgmental conversations with her to understand her interests, feelings, and identity.
Emo style for men is similar in some ways to goth style, usually with heavy bangs that fall across the face, piercings and sometimes dark eye makeup such as liner. Black is the predominant color of clothing and most emo males prefer it to be tight fitting. Adding a studded leather belt and perhaps a pair of heavy, dark framed glasses completes the look.
No you dont have to, but most ''emos'' have them. The best places to get a piercing if you want to. is two on your bottom lip ''snake bites'' or one lip ring on your bottom lip, or on your nose. you could also get some flesh tunnels in your ear lobe if you want. PEOPLE WILL NOT CALL YOU A FAKE IF YOU DONT HAVE PIERCINGS AND IF THEY DO THEY ARE SAD PEOPLE WHO NEED TO GET A LIFE.