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Yes. My first pregnancy I had no symptom other than I had no period. I had no morning sickness or anything. My other pregnancies I have had morning sickness.

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Q: Can you be 10 weeks pregnant with no symptoms?
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You are 6 weeks pregnant and your symptoms suddendly stopped why?

You only have symptoms for a few weeks, not for the entire pregnancy.

How early are the symptoms of being pregnant?

3 weeks.

How do you feel when your 4 weeks pregnant?

Most women do not feel any symptoms of pregnancy until they are 6-8 weeks pregnant.

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Technically, 10 weeks pregnant.

How early can you see symptoms if your pregnant?

Less than 4 weeks.

2 weeks pregnant can feel vomit?

Yes; if you are pregnant, should start to begin feeling symptoms.

Which symptoms can one expect when 32 weeks pregnant?

Someone who is 32 weeks pregnant may experience symptoms that include weight gain, constipation, fatigue, heartburn, stretch marks, mood swings and hemorrhoids.

1-2 weeks pregnant what are the signs?

There are not any symptoms this early. The earliest you would get symptoms is 2 weeks. Most people don't get symptoms until later than that though.

Do you always have symptoms when pregnant?

You always get symptoms at least three weeks after conception (like puking, nausea and hunger)

Im 2 weeks pregnant should you be feeling symptoms already?

No, most people don't get symptoms as early as that

What pregnancy symptoms start showing at 5 weeks pregnant?

The most common pregnancy symptoms at five weeks are missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue.

What are the symptoms when one is 29 weeks pregnant?

The symptoms when one is 29 weeks pregnant include itchy skin due to the stretching caused by the growth and swelling around the legs and feet. High blood pressure is also possible.