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Q: Can you Buy Anti Matter
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What actually is present in vacuum?

A vacuum consist of anti-matter; the opposite of matter...matter is something and anti-matter is nothing. When something is added to the vacuum the anti-matter is displaced and only matter will now remains. If you were made out of anti-matter then your observable results would be the opposite. Matter and anti-matter cannot exist in the same space; only one of the two can exist in any place at any one time. When you remove matter from a space the only thing that can exisist in that space is anti-matter!

Why cant you store anti matter?

As soon as anti-matter comes in contact with matter, the two annihilate. As such, placing anti-matter into any container made of matter would result in both being annihilated. The only way to maintain anti-matter for any length of time is to keep it isolated from matter. Magnetic fields can do this for a short time, but invevitably the anti-matter and the matter meet each other.

What is an antonym for matter?

An antonym for matter is anti-matter.

Are elements matter?

Yes. not only elements all particle in the universe are matter. From Sambit Pal India. *********************** Anti particles are not matter they are anti-matter.

Does everything that you can see fit the definition for matter?

Matter is anything except anti-matter, and matter occupies all of everything everywhere. Basically, yes. Unless you see anti-matter, which is doubtful because the anti-matter would implode upon contact with matter, which includes air.

What is something that's not made of matter?


How did the big bang come into existence?

When Matter and anti-matter collided the Big Bang came into existence. But something still remains a mystery that how did the Matter and anti-matter come.

What differs between a regular proton and an anti matter proton?

An anti-matter proton (or simply an "anti-proton") differs in charge, and thus spin as well.

What existed before antimatter?

the question makes no sense, anti matter is produced when energy is converted into matter. no matter what, when energy converts into matter both matter and anti matter is created, and they can unite once more to be converted back into energy, basicly, ther is the same amount of anti matter particles as there are normal matter particles, but that's a diffrent story

Is anti matter real?


What is something that has no science matter?

The absence of matter exists only in a vacuum. Modern science has revealed the exists of anti-matter. However, it could be debated on whether anti-matter is actually considered a form of matter, or the exact opposite of matter.

What is Anti-matter and how is it made?

in 1995 an expeirament was done with a molocule the same size and make up of a electron but it was found to have a negative charge, this molocule is called a positron. later it was discovered that all molocules have a coraspding anti-matter particle. however we can not study anti-matter very well however because we can not keep it in existence for more than a second and we don't know were it exists besides in labratories. the reason we cant keep them in existence is that as soon as anti-matter comes in contact with matter the they clash and the anti-matter and matter are bolth converted in to energy. anti-matter is made during the prosses of nuclear decay.