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Yes. Must be careful.

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Q: Can withdrawal from alcohol be fatal?
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Why is alcohol detox fatal?

Alcohol detox is not always fatal, but it can be. Unsupervised and unmedicated, it may include extreme anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, sleep disorders, hand tremors, nausea, sweating, seizures, and racing pulse, along with blood pressure spikes that can cause strokes.Delirium tremens (DTs) are an extreme example of withdrawal. In the worst cases, untreated alcohol withdrawal syndrome can result in death.

How serious are Fits due to alcohol?

The grand mal seizures associated with alcoholic withdrawal can be seriously injurious. Combined with accompanying physical conditions, they can be fatal.

Are hearing or making noises part of alcohol withdrawals?

If you mean hearing noises that aren't there, yes. Those are auditory hallucinations, and are an indication of severe withdrawal. We're not sure what you mean by making noises. Alcohol withdrawal is a dangerous, potentially fatal process. It should be medically monitored if at all possible.

How is alcohol withdrawal treated?

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome can be treated at home or in a hospital or treatment setting

Is there something that can help with alcohol withdrawal symptoms?


Is the drug Ativan used as a alcohol withdrawal drug?

Yes, it is a benzodiazapine that calms down the "jitters" from withdrawal from alcohol.

Where can one find symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?

One can find symptoms of alcohol withdrawal on the WebMD website. The site is a good resource to visit to find out what symptoms to look for and how to treat someone with alcohol withdrawal.

Which is not a symptom of alcohol withdrawal?


Why do you have a fever after drinking alcohol?

Some people develop a fever after drinking alcohol due to alcohol withdrawal. Withdrawal happens when one is drinking regularly, and suddenly stops.

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How do you treat a fever from alcohol withdrawal?


What to take with alcohol withdrawal symptoms?

We cannot give medical advice. Alcohol withdrawal is a life-threatening condition, and should be carried out in a medically-supervised setting.