Depends on how you control your munchies. you see the reason you get the munchies is because THC eats the fat. If you eat then the more fat you get for the THC to eat, yet if you dont eat you lose weight because the THC is eating all the excess fat.
yes weed does make u loose weight because you can eat as much you want but u wont gain weight on.
It won't help your symptoms as far as pain relief but it can help you forget about the discomfort for a while because it helps you relax. However on the downside....if you have fibromyalgia and you are not very active the hunger induced by weed can cause weight gain.
Either smoke weed all day. Then succumb to the munchies. You'll gain weight faster than you ever dreamed. Or you could just eat a bunch of food normally. That always works. Or find some way to inject fat into you. In any case, spending money is unavoidable where gaining weight is concerned. I suggest weed. If you're uncomfortable with illegal activities, move to Amsterdam or something. I'm here to help!
Smoking marijuana will cause you to "get the munchies," which is just an increased hunger. You will most likely give in to your munchies and eat a lot of food, typically unhealthy food choices! You are also more apt to just sit around and not be very physically active. You might not gain weight, but some people that abuse this drug tend to.
they can weed gardens for people and they can eat deadly bugs.
No, weed will not help you with anything in life.
whats a vick of weed?
The marijuana itself has no influence on your weight gain/loss. Marijuana does, however, cause an increase in appetite and that again may lead to weightgain.
Honestly It doesn't do anything. Some people might try to tell you that smoking weed will kill brain cells but it doesn't although while you are high you do loose brain cells but once your high goes away, you become back to normal. And when you are high you tend to get the munchies, and If you eat too much it could possible cause you to gain weight (not good). Weed is a herb not a drug as crack is weed doesn't harm your body too much. Many Indian and Hindu's believe that smoking weed helps relax and prepare for meditation.
1.9 grams?
A quarter of weed weighs 7 grams.
If you would like to raise awareness of the dangers of using cannabis and to help people quit smoking weed, then why not volunteer at your local youth project. Alternatively, you could contact your nearest drug rehabilitation charity and offer to volunteer.