Yes it can. You should see a doctor if you already haven't. Otherwise if you dont want a baby then you should know what to do already.
First obvious sign of someone having a weak bladder is always needing to visit the toilet, as people with a weak bladder cannot hold in their urine. Sometimes due to the weak bladder urine will leak through, without realizing. People with weak bladder have little control over their own bladder, therefore causes the leakage.
Can be but it can also be a sign of many other things. it's not a sure sign of pregnancy so take the test.
Feel sick in the morning. Stomach feels harder. Weak bladder. Crave things.
Pregnancy is one of many reasons you might feel weak. If you're concerned about pregnancy take a pregnancy test. If you're concerned about general weakness, see your doctor.
If your body is lacking in iron, then you will feel week when you are pregnant.
It could be a sign of an infection (UTI / Urinary Tract Infection, yeast infection), or a sign of a bladder problem. If she has a "weak" bladder (meaning that she cannot control the passing of urine) there are exercises that can be done to help stregthern the muscles that control the bladder and urine.
Weak bladder control in mice and rats can be due to an infection. It can also due to lack of muscle control.
weak pregnancy blood test mean the pregnancy is liable to abort
Check the extensive database of Many times, they will provide you with an accurate list of symptoms that could expose weak bladder symptoms.
Illness and worms can cause this. If she is an older dog,this can simply be a sign of aging. It sounds like you want to speak to a vet.
yes eat a lot of pomegranates
Yes. The embryo is protected.