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Well this is not an essay, but here are some facts that you can write down to go in it !

What is the importance of Christmas?

*It is the Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus.

What does the Christmas Tree have to do with Christmas?

*The tree symbolizes Trinity on Christmas.

Why is Christmas on the 25th of December?

  • Nobody really knows the actual date that Jesus was born on. In 350 AD Julius I, a Bishop of Rome, chose December 25th as Christmas's official day.
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Q: Can we get an essay about Christmas?
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Can we get somebody's essay on A Christmas Carol?

It would be more acceptable to read the story and compile your own essay

What is a good concluding sentence for Christmas and Easter essay?

A good concluding sentence for Christmas is "Have a very happy Christmas everyone!" For Easter, just change Christmas to Easter.

How do you want to spend your Christmas?

WikiAnswers can't read your mind to know how you want to spend your Christmas. You need to get your brain in gear and think of some things you want to do and write them in your essay.

What has the author Edward L Cutts written?

Edward L. Cutts has written: 'An essay on the Christmas decoration of churches'

Need a 5 paragraph essay of what someone did during Christmas break?

People will not do your homework for you here. Your best option is to think about all you did over Christmas. Write down some rough points first and then think of the details and make more notes. Soon you should have plenty of material for your essay.

1000 word essay on A Christmas Carol?

"A Christmas Carol" is a classic novella written by Charles Dickens. The story follows the transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old man, who learns the true meaning of Christmas through visits from the spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. Through these encounters, Scrooge sees the impact of his own actions on those around him and ultimately decides to become a more compassionate and generous person. The novella serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of kindness, empathy, and generosity during the holiday season and beyond.

What is the origin of gifts at Christmas?

I think the origin of gifts at Christmas started when the deciples gave christ gifts to honour his birth. hope i could help as i was also looking for the same answer for my afrikaans essay and that's realy all i found on Google.

What is better Christmas or Chanukah?

chanukah and Christmas are both good holidays. It depends on religon.Answer:That's like asking which is better, an essay from a playwright or an apple tree. Christmas and Hanukkah are parts of two different religions and can't be compared objectively in terms of "better." Besides, in WikiAnswers Religions topics we shouldn't post claims of "this is better than that."

What are the two types of essay?

Two types of essay are the descriptive essay and the argumentative essay.

Where should the writer of a process essay explain the purpose of his or her essay to the essay's readers?

In the thesis at the beginning of the essay