Biologically, two individuals of the same sex cannot reproduce together. However, through methods such as artificial insemination, surrogacy, or adoption, gay individuals can become parents and raise children.
Gay individuals can reproduce through alternative methods such as adopting children, using assisted reproductive technologies like surrogacy or in vitro fertilization, or co-parenting with a partner who can conceive. Additionally, some gay individuals may choose not to have children.
No, two different species cannot reproduce with each other because they have different genetic makeups that prevent successful reproduction.
Zooflagellates can reproduce asexually through binary fission where the cell divides into two daughter cells. Some zooflagellates can also reproduce sexually through conjugation, where genetic material is exchanged between two individuals.
Multicellular organisms reproduce sexually by the combination of genetic material from two parent organisms through processes like fertilization. This allows for genetic diversity and variation in offspring.
That is unlikely, since most gay people do not reproduce. It is more likely that it is the result of a combination of gene sequences with gestational hormones.
Biologically, two individuals of the same sex cannot reproduce together. However, through methods such as artificial insemination, surrogacy, or adoption, gay individuals can become parents and raise children.
No - they would fail to reproduce if they were.
People don't get gay, they are born that way. Why is an impossible question to answer. Why do some have brown hair and some blond? Why so some like vanilla and others chocolate? It just the way they are. Technically being gay is unnatural due to mammals (and other animals) need a male and female to reproduce. Think about it is everyone was gay we would all die within a generation because no children would be produced. Being gay is also in your genetics one of the things about being gay is maybe the point is so that you don't reproduce but one of the only ways to do that would be that you are attracted to someone whom you cant reproduce with. So technically speaking being gay is wrong and unnatural, but some people don't think so. But just because being gay is wrong it doesn't mean that you should be discriminatory towards them. Closing comments, if mammals birds and fish, reptiles (well maybe some fish and reptiles do) could reproduce asexually being gay would be fine.
People would call them gay
Gay individuals can reproduce through alternative methods such as adopting children, using assisted reproductive technologies like surrogacy or in vitro fertilization, or co-parenting with a partner who can conceive. Additionally, some gay individuals may choose not to have children.
because of their two dads
They could reproduce if they were to have sexual intercourse but because of their orientation they will not copulate with the opposite sex. This has no bearing on how many there are. Gay people come from persons of the opposite sex having intercourse, ie, heterosexuals. This is because homosexuality is part of overall human sexuality. Most people are really bisexual, but heterosexism, still operating even though homophobia is fading, pushes most people to live hetrosexual lives and ignore their homosexual feelings. Most gay people lives are doing so because they are not bisexual enough to give in to heterosexism and lead heterosexual lives.
No. There are no stories of gay couples in the Bible, though there are people who have interpreted some Biblical relationships as gay, such as the relationship between David and Jonathan.
Yes. In fact there are families with 3 or 4 gay children.