No you can not have a baby if your a lesbian on The Sim2. The only way that is possible is if you addopt a baby/kid.
You can not have a baby on the PS2version of the game
Yes you can.
You can't.
No you just can not have a BABY
nope!!!!:) nope!!!!:)
i think that you can have babys
No. You cant.
On the sims2 for playstation2, xbox, and wii you cannot have a baby. You also cannot adopt. You can only have a baby on the sims2 and sims for the computer (pc or mac). Some cheats online whill lead you to belive that you CAN have a baby on playstaion2, xbox, and wii for sim2 but you cannot. I have tried and researched, the makers only did the baby making thing for computers. This also gos for all other playstaion2, xbox, and wii sims2 exspansions, like sims2 pets, castaway and many others. I hope this helped to answer your question! HAPPY SIMMING!!! : )