

Best Answer

Yes, with the newest firmware update. Just Google Sansa updater download.

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Can you watch movies on the SanDisk Sansa Fuze?

The SanDisk Sansa Fuze can play MPEG-4 video.

How do you put the internet on a sansa fuze?

You cant apply internet capabilities on any Sansa model.

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What do you do if your 2GB sansa fuze won't hold a charge?

get a new battery

Psychic help in finding sansa fuze mp3 player?

In the blue car.

I have a plain pink background on my sansa fuze how can i get a picture background?

YOU CAN'T!!! I know i was dissapointed to....

Is the sansa fuze good quality?

Amazing mp3 player for the price expandable memory is a huge plus.

What company can you use to download songs onto a sansa fuze?

You can use Rhapsody and Radio Slot Cards

Does the Sandisk Sansa Fuze have a line-in recorder?

Nope, the sansa clip does not either. Try the creative Zen V or Zen V+. Both can do line-in recordings at 160kbps (mp3).

Can you get rockbox for sansa fuze 2.0?

not as of now, but there working on it! more info:

Sansa fuze internal memory won't clear It says 1.6 GB. but no songs?

I have the same problem homie.