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It's physically possible, sure. At ten boys still think girls are gross anyway...

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Q: Can ten year old girls kiss boys on the cheek?
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How should ten year old boys kiss ten year old girls?

they shouldn't.

Can a 13 year old kiss a 19 year old?

On the cheek sure but not as a couple.

How do you get your 12 year old boyfriend to kiss you on the cheek?

just by simpley asking him to or motioning to your cheek in a cute way :)

How can a 10 year old kiss her boyfriend for the first time?

On the cheek.

Would Jesse McCartney kiss a 12 year old?

Probably. He would give he/her a kiss on the cheek.

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If you know them a kiss on the cheek is fine but we are not talking tongue here. That would be sexual assault.

Would one direction kiss a 12 year old?

Perhaps on the cheek.

Where should a 12 year old boy kiss a girl?

Only on the cheek.

Would Niall Horan kiss a 12 year old on?

On the cheek yeah

Would Miley Cyrus Kiss an 11 year old?

Proably on the cheek, but not on the lips.