Yes a regular use of steroids can lead to addiction. But there are anti drugs to overcome it.
steroids are a poweful drug which can cause an immedite boost of energy. They are physical and are not addictive. You can stop, but it is indeed harmful to your body and one shouldn't risk it.
Can steroids cause pupils to dilate
Antibiotics aren't addictive so no they can't cause addiction.
No steroids doesnt but it makes female have beards!
The only addiction LSD can cause is psychological addiction, and even this is unusual.
Yes, any kind of addiction can cause a person to be angery.
Orale steroids are steroids that are not injected by a needle.Orale steroids are taken as tablets.But it has been said that orale steroids cause more side effects than normal ones
Actually, steroids can cause weight gain.
Yes. It can most definitely lead to and cause addiction to methamphetamine.