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Only the pieces that have not been applied to skin. You would make your stencil and then cut it out apply it to the skin and the left over cut out parts can be used. But the used portions would be useless.

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Q: Can spirit master tattoo paper be reused?
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A4 hectograph spirit paper are used for tattoo stencils. These are sold at Magnum Tattoo Supplies as well as other tattoo shops.

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A4 Hectograph Spirit paper is available in tattoo supply houses. It is the most common paper used for tattoo transfers to skin.

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If you have an inkjet printer, there is special temporary tattoo paper.

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I have an idea in mind for a tattoo and I want to see how it would look. It's a phrase not a picture and all I'm finding are pics and short words. Is it possible to find this kind of temporary tattoo?

you can go to and order tattoo paper. this paper can be put into any regular printer. then you print up the tattoo you want on the paper, and it prints out a temporary tattoo. the name for temporary tattoos is hena tattoos

Can you use photo paper instead of tattoo paper?

Yes but it wont work as good