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There is no scientific that some people are "born alcoholics."

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Q: Can some people who are born with alcoholism become an alcoholic from their first drink?
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Related questions

Does alcoholism run in blood line?

Yes but, even if you have the genetic predisposition to alcoholism, if you do not drink you will not become an alcoholic.

What word means addiction to alcoholic drink?

Alcoholic, alcoholism?

Is alcoholism genitically or environmentaly determined?

Both. You may have the genes, but if you don't drink you won't become an alcoholic.

Suffix using ism for addiction to alcoholic drink?


Why did Paul Gascoine become an alcoholic?

Alcoholism is a genetic disease. Those who have the gene are quite likely to become alcoholics if they drink to any appreciable extent.

What kind of person becomes intoxicated with alcohol quicker?

Answer One contributing factor is if you are a child of an alcoholic or a product of an alcoholic home. If this is the case, you have a higher tendency to become an alcoholic yourself.

Are you an alcoholic if you drink 8 drinks per day?

The quantity consumed does not define alcoholism.

Can Alcoholism be genetic?

Alcoholism itself is not something that can be passed down - in other words, you will not be born drunk and alcoholic. However, the tendency to become addicted to alcohol and other drugs is definitely passed down! People whose parents (and other family members) are alcoholics (or other types of drug addicts) will be far more likely to become addicted to drugs and alcohol, and will have a harder time kicking the habit. People with a family history of alcoholism should try never to drink more than one alcoholic drink every few days - and even then, they should never drink if they feel like they "need" a drink to change their mood! People who are not alcoholics drink because they like the taste of the drink - people who are addicted drink because they "had a hard day" or "need to loosen up" or "everyone else is doing it."

Can alcoholism in a parent give the child more of a chance to start drinking?

Yes and no. There is a genetic component to alcoholism that can be inherited by offspring. However, neither the parent nor the child will become an alcoholic if they never drink, and there is no certainty that the child will be more prone to alcoholism if they have an alcoholic parent -- although overall the odds are about 1 in 4. That said, parental example and conditions during upbringing may well influence a child of an alcoholic to drink. Being raised by an alcoholic parent guarantees that a child will have problematic emotional development, and many choose to ameliorate the symptoms in the same way the parent did. Others may become lifelong teetotalers, but if they eventually do drink have the same odds as any other child from an alcoholic family.

Can alcoholism be genetically passed?

Yes, research suggests that genetics can play a role in the development of alcoholism. Individuals with family members who have struggled with alcohol use disorder are at a higher risk of developing the disorder themselves. However, genetics is just one factor, and environmental influences also play a significant role in the development of alcoholism.

What is a one word substitute for a compulsion to drink?

A compulsion to consume liquids is thirst. A compulsion to consume alcoholic beverages is alcoholism or dipsomania.

High stress or tension can cause alcoholism?

Alcoholism is caused by drinking too much alcohol for too long a period. There is a genetic component that causes some people to become addicted sooner than others. Many people use stress and tension as an excuse to drink, but they do not cause alcoholism.