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Once an individual is released on a Probation Order the Order will include certain stipulations such as: "You must not possess/consume any alcohol or intoxicating substances" ... This type of a condition may only be laid if the originating offense was directly influenced by the level of intoxication of the accused. Probation orders are case by case so it is possible that a person can drink any alcoholic beverage while on probation. If said individual is provided with a condition to not possess/consume any alcohol or other intoxicating substances then it would be arguable that, them drinking a .5 % alcoholic beverage, is not an intoxicant.

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Q: Can some one on probation drink non alcoholic beer?
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When was non alcoholic beer invented?

there is non-alcoholic beer??? that's isn't even beer!!! If it isn't beer, it is not called Non-alcoholic beer. It is called Root Beer, which is a soft drink, or something else. Non-alcoholic beer has MOST of the alcohol removed, but NOT ALL. There is still some alcohol left in it so, if you drink enough you can still get drunk.

What are some non-alcoholic beverages that start with the letter H?

Herbal tea is a non-alcoholic drink. Hires Root Beer is a carbonated soft drink.

What are some beverages that begin with the letter X?

Non-Alcoholic Beverages:X Berry Bomb (energy drink)X Kosmic Kola (energy drink)X Tropical Typhoon (energy drink)X Twisted Citrus (energy drink)XTZ Chai spice (energy drink)XTZ Kaffe (energy drink)XTZ Tea (energy drink)Alcoholic Beverages: X (alcoholic drink)Xango (alcoholic drink)Xanthia cocktail (alcoholic drink)Xaviera (alcoholic drink)Xeres cocktail (alcoholic drink)XYZ cocktail (alcoholic drink)Xingu Black Beer (beer in Brazil)

Which drink has least alcoholic content?

So-called non-alcoholic beer and wine have very little alcohol, although they do have some.

Can you drink non alcoholic beer if you have a stomach ulcer?

It is generally safe to drink non-alcoholic beer if you have a stomach ulcer, as it contains minimal alcohol content. However, it is important to consider the ingredients in the non-alcoholic beer, as some additives or preservatives may irritate the stomach lining and worsen ulcer symptoms. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian before consuming non-alcoholic beer or any other beverages if you have a stomach ulcer.

What was the first alcholic drink?

The first alcoholic drink was some sort of beer, produced (probably) from fermented fruit. Alcoholic beverages have been around for much longer than writing. Anything other than beer requires technology, however, so we can be sure that it was first.

Is beer haram?

Yes it is. If it was ought to be root beer then Islamic people would drink it. Beer is not allowed in the Islamic religion. Beer contains alcoholic liquids. As some people now alcohol is made from rotten fruit.

Will nonalcoholic beer register on a breathalyzer?

No. This is because alcohol is necessary for a breathalyser to detect drinking. Some beer has close to none of alcohol content. If your talking nonalcholic then NOOO

Can a felon drink beer in public?

Yes, I don't know of any state that prohibits it; unless you are on probation or parole, then it is questionable as some states do limit it in these conditions.

What are some tips to keep drinking without getting drunk?

Pace consumption to one drink per hour, drink on a full stomach, alternate alcoholic with non-alcoholic drinks, and realize that the alcohol content of standard drinks of beer, wine and liquor are the same.

What can I drink instead of alcohol to relax"?

Some alternatives to alcohol for relaxation include herbal tea, sparkling water with fruit, or a non-alcoholic beer or mocktail.

What kind of drink is Corona and lime?

Corona and lime is an alcoholic drink. It is a glass of Corona beer with some lime juice squeezed in it. You can add a lime wedge to the rim of the glass to jazz it up a bit.