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Smoking anything (cigarettes, marijuana) after gastric bypass surgery is highly irritating to the new stomach "pouch" that is created during the surgery. This irritation can cause an ulcer in the stomach, which is almost unbearably painful and prevents the patient from eating or drinking. The other risk of smoking pot after the surgery is the munchies. Immediately after surgery (for the first month or so) your food intake is limited to a couple tablespoons to 1/2 cup of food per meal, and exceeding this amount of food will make you extremely sick, and can also result in death if the staple line in the new stomach is ruptured because it is overfilled. Later, overeating (or eating the wrong foods) will have a profound affect on your ability to lose weight or maintain your weight loss.

To improve on the above, marijuana is used to TREAT ulcers!

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Smoking can kill you any time - no matter what you're smoking. You're breathing smoke into your lungs. Also, drugs like marijuana do have an effect on your heart. So don't smoke - and especially not after you've just had surgery to correct a heart problem!

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Q: Can smoking marijuana after heart surgery kill you?
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either second hand smoke or just smoking can kill you by messing up your lungs and heart either way their both dangerous

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YES! It will KILL you! Increases blood presure rate./

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If you tried to use marijuana while you were driving I would say that it could kill you. Or if you were smoking it while you were using a firearm that could kill you or someone else. If you were smoking it and fell asleep and it started a fire, that could kill you. So I would say yes.

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This ILLEGAL product will kill a lot of brain cells, so yes it does mess up your brain. But there's a lot of supporting evidence that smoking tobacco or chew is a lot worst then smoking marijuana.

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Around 20 Some people smoke all their lives and their deaths are not tobacco related. It is by no means certain that smoking will kill an idividual. There is ample evidence that smoking is not healthy Marijuana cigarettes?

How bad is it to smoke cigarettes after having pacemaker surgery?

No it does not harm the pacemaker but It will harm the heart more with continued smoking which is a good source of the damage that may have been the cause of your need for a pacemaker in the first place..

Is smoking dangerous?

Tobacco yes, from everything I've heard marijuana doesn't kill, but inhaling smoke in any sense can't be good for you

What kills you faster smoking weed or smoking cigarettes?

Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.

Has anyone ever died because of marijuana use ALONE?

marijuana is carcinogenic, so it can therefore lead to cancer which may kill you, I don't think anyone has ever died from smoking a joint once though!

Is marijuana dangerous for animals?

yes. it will kill all animals, including humans , over time FALSE it may kill animals, but a recent study has shown that smoking weed does not affect your lungs at all.