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Yes. While smoking has not been proven to CAUSE cancers and tumors, the statistical correlation between long-term smoking and lung cancer is too well established to ignore.

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Q: Can smoking cause tumor problems
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Can smoking cause a brain tumor?

Yea you tard

What other problems does smoking cause?

Smoking cause asthma, Hard to breath and make you sick answer by yr 7 boy

What are the problems when there is brain tumor?

A brain tumor is when cell are multiplying really fast in the brain. they can cause you to lose your skill and abilities to do something.

What do smoking lead to?

smoking leads to respiratory problems and leads to lung cancer, which most likely will cause death. hope that helped:)

What are the harmful effects of smoking?

it can cause mouth cancer,breathing problems and lings cancer etc

What are the problems that mobile telephones can cause?

They can give you a brain tumor from to much use. look here:

How is ciggaret smoking dangerous to your health?

Smoking can cause lung disease, cancer, and many other life threatening problems. It can also cause damage to unborn children, and non-smokers that are exposed to the smoke.

What if a brain tumor never gets treted?

It depends on what type of tumor it is. Some common tumors are left alone because the risks of surgery would be greater than leaving the tumor there. Most tumors are benign and cause few problems. Malignancies would have to be removed.

Does smoking cigarette cause breaking ozone layer?

Cigarettes have no effect on the ozone layer. But they do cause health problems like lung cancer.

Why is smoking seldom causes health problems?

Smoking does indeed cause many health problems, but they rarely appear during youth or young adulthood. Serious, chronic and often deadly health problems develop slowly over years of tobacco use.

Does smoking cause thyroid problems?

studies have shown that people who smoke are more likely to have enlarged thyroids. Smoking decreases thyroid secretion and tyriod hormone action.

The leading preventable cause of death among Americans is?

The leading preventable cause of death among Americans is cigarette smoking. It is responsible for a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, respiratory issues, and cancer.