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Basically its impossible... Simethicone is an anti-foaming gel that is not absorbed by the body or your GI system into the bloodstream. Its also considered relatively safe & there are no known side-effects. So, No, it certainly shouldn't test positive for anything. Even If it did (hypothetically) the confirmation test would EASILY detect the specific one so no worrys.

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Q: Can simethicone give a positive result in urine for oxymorphone?
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Oxymorphone(Opana) is metabolized in the liver to 6-hydroxyoxymorphone and oxymorphone-3-glucuronide. Oxycodone is metabolized to α and β oxycodol; oxymorphone, then α and β oxymorphol and noroxymorphone; and noroxycodone, then α and β noroxycodol and noroxymorphone (N-desmethyloxycodone).[2] (14-Hydroxydihydrocodeine that in turn becomes 14-Hydroxydihydromorphine) As you can see both drugs metabolize into many different variations. When it comes down to an ordinary drug test, all these variations can be tested for and distuinguished from eachother, but the test results itself may just show positive for Opiates, or it may display the metabolites as well, indicating both Oxymorphone and Oxycodone use.

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If water is mixed in urine of pregnant woman it give positive result or not?

yes the test will still pop up positive even with little amount of urine. im 4 weeks and tried it. mixed water and urine and took a test. took a minute or so but it popped up positive

COULD THE REsult be positive if the urine is not tested after taking marijuana two and a half months ago.?

A test they don't run can't possibly be positive.