yes But shaky hands can occur for many other reasons also. If you suspect you are pregnant, get a proper test by a doctor or clinic, home tests are unreliable.
It can, depending. I know when I was still eating gluten, due to my celiac, my nerves were affected.
Hitachi DZ-BX35A has shake adjust for shaky hands
No, blue sweat is not a symptom of pregnancy.
Feeling shaky is a frequent symptom of a Migraine attack. Aborting the Migraine attack will help the symptoms to go away.
The cast of Shaky Hands Mitch - 2006 includes: Kevin Faber as Mitch
Malaria is not a symptom of pregnancy.
It can be, but it's not a main symptom
No, fever is a symptom of infection or dehydration.
Yes. After ovulation, Progesterone rises causing heartburn.