I just got my piercing two days ago. Its not infected or anything (yet) and my public pool just replaced the chlorine system with a salt(ish)-water one. They say its naturally disinfecting and clean. So cince I have to clean my navel with salt water, wouldn't it be ok to swim in salt-water?
Yes you can go in the pool so long as it is a municipal or city pool where the water is tested daily. Once you are done swimming give your navel piercing a good wash and a rinse and everything should be fine. Side Note: Buddies hot tub next door may not be a wise idea, most people don't know how to properly treat hot tubs and more often as not the tubs are dangerously contaminated, stick to municipal facilities.
There is all sorts of fluff about when you can go into a pool with a new piercing, bottom line you need to use common sense and be sure if you go swimming it's in municipal pools or facilities that are properly maintained. I tell my clients they can go swimming the next day in the city facilities, but they need to wash the piercing thoroughly once they are done.
Do you have any spray used for pierced ears? Otherwise lukewarm salt water. You can also use alcohol wipes.
Yes. Using salt water is a great way to clean surface piercings and is all natural. It's also great for cleaning other wounds, infections, etc.
I'd say yes. Water attracts bacteria and if you put the band-aid on tight enough, it'll stay soggy/moist, trapping bacteria directly onto the piercing. Just clean the piercing with sea salt and water and let it dry. Then you can wear a dry bandaid to reduce friction and snagging,
Salt water or saline solution on the outside of the lip around the piercing. Alcohol-free mouthwash on the inside of the mouth around the piercing
You don't want to put Epsom Salt OR table salt on ANY piercing. They contain sugar and will cause infection. The ONLY thing to put on a fresh piercing is SEA SALT. Using 1/4tsp of sea salt with 8oz. of warm water, and soak the piercing for about 10 minutes twice a day. It is the best thing to help heal your piercing. When you are in the shower, use Dial soap to clean it also. But sea salt soaks are amazing for helping heal a piercing.
No. You dont want to use any soap or body wash on it. They can be really drying and irritate the piercing. You have to use saline/salt water soaks. Put a pinch of natural sea salt into a shot glass of warm water and use it to soak the piercing. You can either push the glass up against your belly to create a suction or soak a paper towel in the solution and hold that on the piercing for about 5 minutes. Do that 2-3 times a day every day. If thats too drying, substitute one of the salt soaks with just a normal warm water soak.
You can but the question is "why would you". See the page link, further down this page, for more details about aftercare.
Soak it in a mixture of natural sea salt and warm water. Put a pinch of natural sea salt into a shot glass of warm water. Push the shot glass onto your stomach to create a suction. Do it for about 5 mins no more than twice a day. If the salt is too drying, try using less and if that doesn't help then just use warm water. NEVER USE ALCOHOL ON A PIERCING.
What you actually want to be using is liquid antibacterial soap and water and wash the piercing twice a day for the first day then every day there after for a week (7) days. Flushing the piercing with warm running water daily after cleaning to ensure you get all the soap out of the piercing. Stop using whatever you were using for cleaning, just soap and water. This should turn an infected navel piercing around in 24 to 48 hours.Things you don't use on your piercing: Alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sea salt, Salt, Betadine, Polysporin, Neosporin, Bactine, Pierced Ears Solution, Contact Lens solution, Aspirin, Epsom Salts, Dragon Mist.You need to flush the irritant out of the piercing and it won't heal if you keep putting the above items on the piercing. Liquid antibacterial soap, diluted with a little water as you lather it up will work the best to clean and disinfect the piercing.
If you were to clean your piercing with salt by itself, it would certainly hurt! What people actually clean their piercing with is saline solution- a mix of sea salt and water. (A good ratio to use is 1 table spoon of salt per cup of water.) The saline solution itself should not hurt your piercing. However, sometime cleaning a piercing will irritate it. This may hurt, but the salt is not responsible.
Cleaning a Navel PiercingThey usually say at least twice a day for a month. wash it really well with soap and water (preferably 'green soap' or surgical soap, but any colorless dial type soap should be fine) than once a day if you feel like it, fill a shot glass with warm water and some sea salt DO NOT use every day table salt (it will infect it), hold the shot glass upside down over the piercing for 15 minutes. this draws dirt and bacteria out of the piercing. keep washing it twice a day for at-least 4 to 12 months.
No, you shouldn't be using salt on the piercing at all if it is infected. Wash the piercing using lathered soap, work the soap into the piercing and then irrigate the piercing with running water while rotating or shuffling the jewellery to rinse the soap and infected dishcharge from the piercing.