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There is a drug, don't know if it is called rohypnol, that has immediate effect when dabbed on the skin in very small doses. It renders the victim helpless. The victim will tell any truth asked and accept anything told to them as real. It also allows the perpitrator to place hypnotic suggestion that can come out later. I know this because it has been done to me repeatedly in the past. It was administered through an innocent handshake but there were times when I was being awoken from sleep, into that hypnotic state. The moments when you are dosed seem like dreams or vague memories from your distant past when you remember tham later, if you remember them at all.

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Q: Can rohypnol be absorbed through the skin?
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A drug that can be absorbed through the skin works by passing through the outer layer of the skin, called the epidermis, and entering the bloodstream. This allows the drug to be distributed throughout the body and have its intended effect.

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