No, the police can not have you Track phone traced. They can not get enough data, and information on it. As long as you pay with cash, you should be fine. Just always be careful. Try texting rather then calling because, sometimes the police can track your call by finding out what "Signal Tower" your phone used to recieve signal to recieve/ and or make a call.
Yes. A mobile phone is tracked by the signals it receives and what transmitters they are near at the time. It doesn't matter whether your phone is prepaid or billed. You can have the exact same phone as another person who has a bill phone, so the way they are tracked will be the same.
If Credit cards or data was exchanged during the purchase.
Yes, it can be tracked.
No Not At All
No, because it has to be activated first before the process of tracking can be done. Only few phones like the new droid can not be tracked at any time of the making and use.
A person can be tracked by the Email address. The email address uses an IP to send. This IP can be traced back to the person.
All cellphones, even old analog phone, can be tracked to some degree. Those programmed with GPS software can be tracked directly with a relative degree of accuracy. In the infancy of the cellphone industry, it was possible to track the cell from where a phone was accessing the system (switch). From this, it was relatively easy to narrow down a rough location of a cell phone user. This can still be done today. With modern cellphones, even if the phone is turned off, outside access is possible to determine location, provided a power source remains constant. Remove the battery, remove the access.
not sure but France would be my best guess
It's really hard to go into hiding in today's world. You'd have to quit using plastic at all, because your cards can be traced; cell phones can be traced also, so you'd have to use disposable phones or quit using phones at all. The best way would be to go someplace way out in the wilderness and camp, but you'd have to learn how to survive out there.
Yes, it can be traced. You cannot change the serial number of the iPad, and this always comes up when you connect it to sync or update.
Yes.Every cellphone or PDA with GPS can be tracked unless the battery is removed.
Yes - just because it's a pre-paid phone doesn't mean the network doesn't know where the message originated from !
Name + Routing + Account # = Yes. Just load the money onto the card to be safe. Anything electronic can obviously be traced back to origin.