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I don't see why not.

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Q: Can pregnant women get their nails done?
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Can pregnant women do their nails?

Her fingernails, yes. However, depending on how pregnant a woman is, she may not be able to reach (or even see) her toenails.

Does women gets pregnant by tickling?

No. Women cannot get pregnant by mere tickling, assuming the tickling is done by hand.

Can pregnant women eat pigeon?

Pregnant women may eat anything they can safely eat when htey are not pregnant, well done of course....

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womanizzzzzzzer (:

What are the things pregnant women get done on their stomachs?

an ultrasound???

Do pregnant women's nails and hair grow faster on their own OR only if they take prenatal vitamins?

Pregnant womens nails and hair of course grow quicker and stronger with or without vitamins due to the amped up hormones in their bodies.

If a men had a vasectomy done can a women get pregnant?

If the vasectomy was successful then no the woman cannot become pregnant.

Can a women get pregnant after getting their tubs burned?

Not if it's done correctly.

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Does leep procedure cause miscarriage?

LEEP is not normally done on pregnant women.

Is welding harmful to pregnant women?

Generally, it's not as long as it's done safley.

Acrylic nails while pregnant?

usually if your pregnant most salons tell you before you have your acrylic nails done that the nails can fall off ect very very soon because of somthing like hormones but this does not happen to everyone note* i only no this as the same thing happed to my sister she paid £40 and they all fell off the next day she was 7 months pregnant and trying to get a refund was a very difficlt situation!