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Yes she can.

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Q: Can pregnant woman eat pine nuts?
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Related questions

What kind of nuts do porcupines eat?

They love pine nuts

What does squirrel eat?

Squirrels eat fruits, nuts, bird eggs, pinecone seeds and pine needles.

What nuts did Romans eat?

The nuts the Romans ate were almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts.

What pine trees can you eat pine nut from?

Pine nuts are edible seeds from pine trees. In Europe pine nuts are harvested from the Stone Pine or the Swiss Pine. In Asia pine nuts are harvested from the Korean Pine in northeastern Asia and are harvested from the Chilgoza Pine in the western Himalaya. Also in Asia pine nuts are harvested from the Siberian Pine, the Siberian Dwarf Pine, the Chinese White Pine, and the Lacebark Pine. In North America pine nuts are harvested from the Colorado Pinyon, Single-leaf Pinyon, the Mexican Pinyon, the Gray Pine, the Torrey Pine, the Sugar Pine, and the Parry Pinyon. In the United States, pine nuts are mainly harvested by Native Americans. The tribes that harvest pine nuts include the Shoshone, Paiute, Hopi, and Washoe tribes.

How many pine cones do squirrels eat?

Squirrels can eat hundreds of pine cones in a season, but the exact number can vary based on factors like the availability of other food sources, the size of the pine cones, and the squirrel's individual appetite.

Will chickens eat pine nuts?

Cockerels have testes yes. They are however located internally and are not ever visible externally except when the bird is butchered.

Did traditional shoshone gather to eat pine nuts?

Yes, of all the plant foods, the pinyon nuts were the most important.

Are pine nuts safe to eat?

Yes. They are the same nut as the Italian Pignoli nut.

How many pine nuts should one eat per day?

1/8 cup

What is the job of a pine cone?

They can make new pine trees and there are actual nut inside called pine nuts. Squirrels and chipmunks eat them and people do also. I've had them myself, they're good.

Can pregnant woman eat turkey?

Yes, why not.

Can a pregnant woman eat grapefruit?
