If you are pregnant and you are being physically abused you can have a miscarriage if you are hit in the right places and the right amount of times.
It's so rare it counts as never.
No. jumping does not cause miscarriage.
Sexual abuse most often, also physical abuse, then emotional neglect, verbal abuse...sometimes the physical abuse can cause more direct brain damage that changes one's personality - aka when a car accident causes someone to become a more angry, out of control person.
In over half of all miscarriages, the fetus is abnormal. The abnormality can either be genetic or developmental.
Mineral water don't cause miscarriage.
assertive abuse is when a guy or girl is running all over you because of there ego. it can be physical or emotional. it can cause you to think you are worthless when you're not.
define the following types of abuse. physical abuse, sexual abuse , emotional abuse, financial abuse, institutional abuse, self neglect ,and neglect by others.
yes it can, it can cause miscarriages when taken with vitamin c
Cinnamon tea has not been reported to cause miscarriages.
No, vinegar is safe during pregnancy.
Theres a cause for every action a child (or grown adult) takes. Chances are if your child is abusing you its something you do or neglect to do.