It all depends on how your profile is set up. If you have public access to your pictures then yes they can. But if you have only friends can see your pictures, then they can't. They cannot view the pictures becuase you have restricted them until you press the 'Accept Request' button.
Can people see text after they send a friend request on Facebook for example I got it on the Facebook app and I saw and then I got a text saying this person wants to be your friend on Facebook can they see that if I can
if u have a friend request it will mail u saying new friend request u click it and u see who wants 2 be ur friend if u have a friend request it will mail u saying new friend request u click it and u see who wants 2 be ur friend
When people submit photos for passports, the photos are not available for the public to see.
to accept a friend request you just have to go on your player page in notifications. from there you will see if anyone sent you a friend request.
Just go to there page and click add to friend list.Then write them a letter and see if they excepted your request.
1. If you mean that the person rejected your request, then go to their profile. You will see Friend Request Sent. Click on that and underneath it will write on the bottom of the drop down menu Cancel Request. Click on this, then try to send the request again.2. If you mean that somebody sent you a request and you rejected, just go on the friend notification bar and click see all friend requests you will see it there.
You talk to your friends. Just send people that you see on the players page a friend request. Most will accept.
Only if you leave a comment.
Yes, they will see that they are not your friend any more. Or that your not on there friend list, but they will not be notified.
Request to follow the person whose photos you want to view.
Roll over trainer HQ and click my friends. Then you can see all your friends and people who want to be your friend
friend request him! he is a very famous penguin you know! he is also very friendly and will accept your request.