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Yes, When a person is born from that day on every action they take affects their personality. School, peers, work, parents, etc, can affect how you think of the world and eventually you will start to feel as if you have no emotions. It's not a dark feeling like people think, it's like you know theres no emotion there but you can still pretend. In short term, yes. People can be emotionless. Edit: Either that or you were not raised by any organic creature but by robots or something because you learn emotions from parents and family so if organic creatures like say humans arent raised by their own kind but by substitute like a machine then they wont know what emotions are and so on but the problem with that you have to keep them for 5 or more years because at a early age they learn this.

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10mo ago

While some individuals may appear emotionless, it is unlikely that someone is completely devoid of emotions. Emotions are a fundamental part of human experience and play a crucial role in decision-making and social interactions. Those who appear emotionless may have learned to suppress or mask their emotions for various reasons.

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Q: Can people be emotionless
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What does emotionless mean?

Emotionless means lacking emotion or showing no emotional response. It describes someone who appears detached, impassive, or unaffected by their feelings.

What would you call someone who is incapable of showing emotion?

Someone who is incapable of showing emotion may be described as emotionless or unemotional. They could also be referred to as stoic or impassive.

Why are you emotionless?

I'm not sure what your asking but I'll explain about emotionlessness. Before I start I suffer from that emotionless feeling, but its not all bad, it could mean somethings wrong but it could mean somethings just really right. Feeling emotionless can be caused by lots of things, mental illness being the least common, anxiety which is very common as today's world isn't very happy. Why I feel emotionless is a mystery, My life's not great and full of stress, the biggest cause of anxiety. I'm not an expert but am talking from experience. It can be caused by things like being rejected a lot, it could be your are just apathetic (look it up). But no one is honestly emotionless, just because you are out of touch with your emotions. Get out there, see life for what it is, people with a really good perception and logical minds can feel emotionless, this being my other theory about my emotionlessness. Let me prove your emotions are still there.... Listen to a song, an emotional and nostalgic one (research nostalgia) as this is one of my more powerful emotions it can break to the surface. Think about your happier memories, those times when you felt no worry, the times you wish with all your heart you could go back to, let the music take you back. Now think about how you feel, you may feel nostalgia, that unbearable sadness, you will see you still can feel, you just need to find out why your out of touch. I'm not sure if you were looking for a deep post but I wanted to put this for those people who are looking for answers, as this is! I hope many people benefit from this!

What is an emotion that people often use to protect themselves?

Pretty sure it's anger.But another thing you can do if your in a tough spot and don't want people to know what your think just act emotionless. Keep your face straight like a blank piece of paper. If some one tells you something to make you cry imagine your wife/husband, kids, boyfriend/girlfriend, pets, good grades, just find that happy subject. And if they try to make you smile think of bad things. Like famine, drought, disease, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires. But that's just kind of random lol.Really what you need to do is just be your self. If you want to laugh, laugh. If you want to cry, cry. Smile, sob, scream, roll around on the ground. Don't hide yourself away. If you want people to like you then they need to like you for who you are. Not for you acting like some one else. After all... God made you an original, why die a copy?

What types of people live in Rhode Island?

Rhode Island is home to a diverse population, including families, young professionals, college students, retirees, and immigrants. The state's small size and proximity to major cities like Boston make it attractive to a wide range of people.